Beaune - Family activity: once upon a time there was grape juice

  • Place :
    • Beaune
  • Langue :
    • Français


The grape in all its facets!
Wednesday 23 October 15h-17h

To know

DescriptionDuring this activity, young and old alike discover the mysteries of grapes.

After a short guided tour about the growing cycle of the vine, participants will be able to create their own grape juice and taste it, but also to create artistic works using cork stoppers.

Creativity will be the order of the day!

Activity carried out in partnership with the Saint-Vincent Tournante.

Duration: 2 hours
Price: 16€ for an adult and a child
Useful informationThe presence of an adult is mandatory.
Activity for children from 5 to 12 years old.
The price of 16€ includes for an adult and a child a short guided tour and an activity supervised by a mediator.
Please go to the reception desk of the Cité so that you can be directed to the activity room.
